Universal Licensing System

The Universal Licensing System (ULS) is the consolidated database and application filing system for most Wireless Radio Services. ULS supports electronic filing and provides public access to licensing information, weekly Public Notices, FCC rulemakings, processing utilities, a telecommunications glossary, and much more. Below are just a few of the significant benefits ULS offers wireless applicants and licensees:


The Universal Licensing System (ULS) is the Federal Communications Commission's online search portal for wireless licensing and research. In the United States, The FCC or Federal Communications Commission is an independent agency of the United States government, created by congressional statute (see 47 U.S.C. § 151 and 47 U.S.C. § 154), and with the majority of its commissioners appointed by the current President. The FCC works towards six goals in the areas of broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security, and modernizing the FCC. It is appointed with the duty of allocating permission of businesses and individuals to use the electromagnetic spectrum using a process called Spectrum management. Since the Federal Communications Commission manages and regulates all domestic non-federal spectrum use, it is explicitly involved with the licencing of this spectrum. (47 USC 301)

There are many criteria for obtaining an FCC license. For most cases, the individual or corporation has to be a United States citizen in good standing, with limited objections to the license being permitted. For those who wish to obtain access to a Spectrum auction they must first register with the FCC's Commission Registration System or CORES, and then apply through the Universal License System or ULS.

The FCC states that ULS:

...simplifies the application and licensing processes and provides secure, world-wide access through the Internet. This results in reduced filing time and financial savings for both customers and the federal government.More than an electronic filing system, ULS is a powerful information tool that enables you to research applications, licenses, and antenna structures. It also keeps you informed with weekly public notices, FCC rulemakings, processing utilities, a telecommunications glossary, and much more. Plus ULS features a Geographic Information System (GIS), a digital mapping technology that identifies spectrum use in relation to geographical areas.[1]

The Universal Licensing System allows for individuals to look up applications and licenses currently on file within the ULS. This services is intended to make the process of applying for the various licences easier.
